Hi, I'm Himanshu Agarkar and I'm a Tech-Enthusiast.

Community Manager @DevCrusade | ACM Vice Chairperson | SQL Trainer @Fireblaze Technologies Ltd. | Full Stack Website Development | Data Science | CSE Pre Final Year IIIT Nagpur

What can I do?

I have an assiduous personality, my inquisitiveness coupled with the thrust of technical knowledge, analytical and decisive skills enables me decipher and resolve problems promptly. I have professional experience as a trainer in the domain of Database Management and having exemplary leadership and team management skills, I have led over 5 projects and communities resulting in excellent output.

Machine Learning.

Build, train and deploy ML models such as Food Demand Forecasting, Stock Price Prediction, Sales / Housing Price Prediction.


Design, build and manage databases using MySQL, MongoDB such as Book Store Inventory Management, Student Registration on Online Portal.

Website Development.

Develop impressive end-to-end Web Apps using MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, React.js).

Awards & Achievements.

25 July 2021

Mobirise Website Builder

Game-A-Thon, IEEE YCCE SB.

Developed a game – ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ in a 15 days Game Development Event organized by IEEE YCCE SB. It was an amazing event where we learned a lot from basic stuff like creating a resume to the advanced level of Game Development.

On the final day, shortlisted candidates had to present their projects in front of the judges and I am ecstatic to share that I secured 1st rank in the event.

22 Agust 2021

Mobirise Website Builder

WordPress Bootcamp, IEEE SB CUK.

• It was a 3 days camp, in the first two days we got to learn about Advanced Web Development and Web Hosting.
• The last day was presentation day where the students presented their websites before the judges and I am glad to share that I secured 1st place in the competition.
• Link to my Website - https://himanshuagarkar45.github.io/fitnessfever/index.html

15 Oct 2021

Mobirise Website Builder

Campus Ambassador, RCOEM GDSC.

I was a part of RCOEM Google DSC's 1st event - 'Bappa Ka Prashad' as a Campus Leader in their team for 1 month. The experience was very phenomenal, connecting with fellow core team members and other ambassadors on daily basis. We leaders promoted their very first event in our colleges through our social media, sharing posters / teasers, etc.

23 February 2022

Mobirise Website Builder

Microsoft Future Ready Talent.

• Completed various of learning modules about Microsoft Azure and its diverse services.
• Created a Chat-Bot as final project (Theme: Fin-Tech) which gives information on Blockchain, Web3, Cryptocurrency using 3 services provided by Azure - QnA maker, Static Web Apps and Bot Service.

28 February 2022

Mobirise Website Builder

RTMNU Startup Idea Presentation 2022.

Me and my partner, Anup Tarone, got a chance to present our Startup Idea at the Dr. A.K. Dorle Auditorium, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur.

A Startup Idea Presentation competition was organized, based on the theme: 'Integrated Development in Sciences and Technology for Sustainable Future' on account of 'National Science Day 2022'.

Our idea was selected in the top 30 finalists and we were called for the offline presentation on 28th Feb. Name of our Agri-Tech Startup: 'Krishi Vikas' and it was based on 'development of farmers by increasing financial literacy and inclusivity.'

15 March 2022

Mobirise Website Builder

Research Intern, MyGov India.

I was one of the 42 applicants selected all over India for the 2021 winter cohort, contributed to the world’s largest citizen engagement platform - MyGov India.

Worked on Search Engine Optimization for MyGov Official YouTube Channel (620k subs) and have written 14 blogs till date, did a lot of research work to increase participation of Indian citizens in their nation’s governance and development.

Previously the internship was planned for 2 months, Dec 21 to Feb 22, but for 12 well performing interns it was extended for a month, till March 22 and I am glad that I was one of them.

17 March 2022

Mobirise Website Builder

Campus Leader, Entrepreneurship Cell, IIT-Madras.

Secured the place of 2nd most active ambassador in my tenure of 4 months (Nov 21 to March 22) as a Campus Leader of E-Cell, IIT-M.

I've ideated, executed, and promoted sessions and workshops, developed my communication and social media marketing skills along the way. I got to work with people from different backgrounds, inspiring me to get to know them.

8 July 2022

Experience Letter

SQL Trainer, Fireblaze Technologies Ltd.

Taught Structured Query Language to graduates aspiring to learn Data Science for a total of 10 hours duration.

Covered from essential topics such as keys, and subqueries to advanced concepts like triggers, and stored procedures in SQL.

Improved my knowledge and gained an experience of Git & GitHub along the way.

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